Regional Conference on the G-20 Data Gaps Initiative (DGI)
Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey ( CBRT) will organize a conference in March with the contributions of the International Monetary Fund. Objectives of the conference are as follows: understanding what has been done since the start of Data Gaps Initative ( DGI) in April 2009, learning countries experiences about challenges they faced in implementation and with the closure of the first phase of DGI, exchange of views on how to structure the second phase to enhance data compiling and data match.
In this context, questions that can be discussed during sessions are:
- Which recommendations of DGI have been implemented by the participants? What were the main challenges participants encountered while implementing the recommendations? How did the participants cope with these challenges?
- What can be done in the future to enchance and sustin the accomplishments achieved between 2010 and 2015? Depending on mutual challenges of the region, what can be suggested to cope with possible obstacles?
- What would be the next step in DGI? What would be needed in terms of data in the future to monitor global economy?