A joint event of the G20, Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), and the Global Migration Group (GMG) took place in Izmir on 3 June 2015, at the margins of the third G20 Development Working Group meeting. The joint event was hosted by the Government of Turkey, concurrent Chair of the G20 and GFMD for 2015.
During the meeting, participants from governments and international organizations explored options for possible synergies between G20 development work and the GFMD process. Particular focus was placed on reducing remittances transfer costs. Participants welcomed this initial meeting to discuss options for cooperation and dialogue between the G20 and the GFMD process. Broad support was expressed for continuing dialogue and cooperation between the G20, GFMD and the GMG to address issues of common interest beyond the Turkish Chairmanship of the G20 and the GFMD.