IIF Conference on “The G20 Agenda under the Turkish Presidency”

7th Annual G20 conference “The G20 Agenda under the Turkish Presidency” organized by Institute of International Finance (IIF) in close cooperation between the Turkish Treasury, was held on February 8-9, 2015 in Istanbul.

Opening the first day of the Conference, Deputy Prime Minister Ali BABACAN told participants that tackling sluggish global growth with the focus on small-and-medium enterprises and giving low income nations more voice will be among the priorities for Turkey’s G20 presidency. (Deputy Prime Minister Ali BABACAN’s speech is available here).

During the discussion sessions, panelists focused on the G20 agenda including inclusive growth and job creation; private sector support for infrastructure investment; financial inclusion; SME funding; financial globalization, the regulatory reform agenda and the B20 agenda.

On the eve of the Conference, the dinner session, Prime Minister Ahmet DAVUTOĞLU, criticized lack of reform in international organizations in the post-Cold War era. And added that the G20 is the most appropriate and unique platform to set up a new and more inclusive global economic order.

And at the second – final day of the Conference, Turkey’s Central Bank Governor Erdem BASÇI  made a presentation on “Price Stability and Growth in Turkey”. In his presentation, Governor Başçı emphasized the following points: both high inflation and deflation are detrimental to growth, the best contribution to growth from a central bank would be to maintain price stability, reforms in human capital, labor market, technology, innovation and physical infrastructure are going to boost the growth potential in Turkey (Governor Başçı’s presentation is available: www.tcmb.gov.tr/wps/wcm/connect/d7796e3e-f228-4f6b-bbcd-157ab1b15c22/IIFsunumu092c.html?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=d7796e3e-f228-4f6b-bbcd-157ab1b15c22)

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